Linda Ruffenach was recently tapped for her customer experience expertise. In the article entitled, “What is Customer Experience in 2019 According to 15 CX Experts,” author and customer experience professional Anna Pogrebniak reached out to a number of CX practitioners with the question of what businesses should focus on in the coming year in order to secure an excellent experience for their customers. Here’s what Linda had to say on the matter:

“The customer experience conveys the true essence of a company’s brand. It may be the only live, in-person experience an individual has with a company. No matter how good the marketing and sales, it can all be lost if the actual interactions with the brand do not align.

“Customers are looking for convenience, quality, and confidence that their issues are being resolved and their information is secure. In 2019, I expect to see the continued focus on the end-to-end customer experience.

“Companies will continue to provide options for customers that allow a resolution to customer inquires through multiple channels, including AI and self-service. Innovation in AI and self-service can be a real game-changer, but it is critical that the personal connections with a company’s brand are not diluted along the way. Customers with a positive personal connection to your brand will remain loyal, buy more stuff, and become advocates for your brand.”

Looking for more insights from fellow experts like Shep Hyken, Jeanne Bliss, Jeremy Watkin, Sue Duris, Nate Brown, Kaye Chapman, and Adam Toporek? Find the complete article here: What is Customer Experience in 2019 According to 15 CX Experts.

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