A quick look at our website reveals what GlowTouch the company does. What the site does not do is go into detailed explanation of who the company is – thousands of individuals working under a corporate philosophy that values the people within our locations and those without who live in the cities in which we are located. And this is where the story of the GT Foundation begins, as the natural outgrowth of a company that sees success in business as the conduit for working within the surrounding communities.

The Culture

The Foundation was established in 2004 and is an extension of the corporate parent’s principle of Putting People First. In this application, the people are the economically challenged who struggle with access to things many of us take for granted – education, food, access to health care, even arts and recreational outlets. The Foundation uses a combination of direct and indirect philanthropy in launching and supporting the initiatives in which it is involved.

Aid comes through capital investment, direct donations, partnerships with existing organizations whose resources are limited but whose potential for growth is evident, and hands-on management of organically created programs. We do this overseas in Mangalore, India, and domestically in Louisville, Kentucky, but as GlowTouch continues to expand its presence into new markets, there is a strong possibility that the Foundation will follow.

The Idea

At GlowTouch, we often talk about how doing well in business serves as the conduit for doing good in the places where we work and live. Being a responsible corporate citizen is something we have always taken seriously, and there are corporate CSR initiatives at work in addition to the areas where the Foundation is the right vehicle. On the business side, this means things like impact sourcing and creating economic opportunities for populations that are often overlooked. For the Foundation, the focus is more mission-driven toward areas where we can have an effect that is separate from the outsourcing world.

When the Foundation began work, it focused on areas where the need was especially acute, and the impact would be long-lasting. The first project was funding to expand a school in rural India to put children there on the most direct route out of poverty. A school that opened its doors to 22 students now has an enrollment of more than 800. This was followed by creating a food distribution network that would serve orphaned children and the residents of an elder care facility. As with most endeavors, it is the first steps that are typically the hardest. After those were taken and the results were visible, the Foundation’s fire was fueled to continue spreading its reach.

The Growth

Early successes often have a way of breeding more of the same, and the GT Foundation began looking at other initiatives while staying within the original parameters of education, health care, and targeted programs for children and the aged. The results have been a mega-kitchen that feeds 50,000 school kids every day, the launch of a corneal transplantation program, donating 30 ICU beds to a teaching hospital, and a community hall that is used for a variety of celebrations and other events.

The process includes partnerships with groups as varied as The Little Sisters of the Poor and KentuckianaWorks, organizations that are not nearly as dissimilar as one might think. Both focus on underserved populations, both have established networks that the Foundation can leverage to better serve beneficiaries, and both see the human potential that can help to break the cycle of need. “Making a difference” is sometimes overused, but the projects that the Foundation has created or participates in have a quantifiable record of results, and that is just as vital in the non-profit world as it is in the corporate arena.

The Story Continues

The Foundation’s goals become clear when people are seen as a resource, not a commodity. What was once called the Personnel Office is now Human Resources. People can be nurtured, cultivated, and helped to be more than their circumstances dictate. We can’t heal every sick person, but we can help those who need care have better access to it. We can’t make everyone a valedictorian, but we can help those who want an education to take advantage of its benefits. We can’t erase poverty, but we can help those who want to rise from it.

The Foundation is a living testament to the GlowTouch ideal of putting people first, often people whom we’ll never meet. But this is not done out of wanting to be thanked or even appreciated. It is motivated by a desire to use the same strategic approach in addressing civic and social issues that GlowTouch employs in resolving business questions. You are welcome to join us, if you like, or to partner with us on worthwhile initiatives that benefit real people dealing with real struggles.

GlowTouch is Now UnifyCX.

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